Supporting the NFP Employment Services Sector

Supporting the NFP Employment Services Sector: The Strategic Value of an AI-Powered Employability App for Job Interview Performance


In the dynamic landscape of employment services, the pivotal role played by Non-Profit (NFP) government-funded organisations cannot be overstated. These entities serve as the linchpin in connecting job seekers with opportunities and fostering economic participation at a macro level. However, the evolving nature of the job market demands innovative solutions to enhance the effectiveness of employment services. An AI-powered Employability App focused on improving job interview performance emerges as a strategic asset with the potential to revolutionise how individuals secure employment. In this blog, we will delve into the reasons why such an application is not just useful but essential for the success of Employment Services organisations.

Traditional job interview preparation methods are often one-size-fits-all, failing to address the unique strengths and weaknesses of individual candidates. An AI-powered Employability App can revolutionise this aspect by offering personalised coaching based on the user’s profile, experience, and the specific job they are applying for. Through data-driven insights, the app can identify areas for improvement and provide tailored guidance, ultimately enhancing the interview performance of each user.

One of the challenges faced by Employment Services organisations is reaching and assisting a diverse range of individuals, including those with various levels of accessibility or resources. An AI-powered Employability App can bridge this gap by providing a user-friendly and accessible platform for job interview preparation. This ensures that individuals from all walks of life, regardless of geographical location or socio-economic background, have access to high-quality coaching, thereby promoting inclusivity in employment services.

Employment Services organisations often grapple with resource constraints while trying to meet the increasing demand for their services. An AI-powered app offers a scalable solution, allowing organisations to reach a larger audience without significantly increasing their operational costs. The app can serve as a force multiplier, extending the impact of employment services to a broader population and facilitating more efficient use of available resources.

Immediate feedback is crucial for continuous improvement, especially in the context of job interviews. An AI-powered Employability App can provide real-time feedback on mock interview sessions, highlighting areas of strength and areas that need improvement. Moreover, the app can track users’ progress over time, enabling both job seekers and Employment Services organisations to measure the effectiveness of the coaching and adjust strategies accordingly.

The job market is dynamic, with evolving trends and expectations. An AI-powered Employability App can adapt to these changes in real-time, ensuring that users are equipped with the latest insights and strategies to navigate interviews successfully. This adaptability is a strategic asset for Employment Services organisations, allowing them to stay ahead of the curve and provide relevant, up-to-date guidance to job seekers.

Employment Services organizations can harness the power of data generated by the app to gain valuable insights into the collective needs and challenges of job seekers. Analysing user data can help identify common pain points, allowing organisations to tailor their services more effectively. This data-driven approach enables continuous improvement and ensures that Employment Services remain aligned with the ever-changing landscape of the job market.

An AI-powered Employability App has the potential to engage users actively in their job-seeking journey. By providing interactive features, gamified elements, and a user-friendly interface, the app can empower individuals to take control of their interview preparation process. This sense of agency and engagement contributes to a more confident and prepared pool of job seekers.

Innovation opens doors for strategic partnerships between Employment Services organisations and technology providers. Collaborating with tech companies can result in a symbiotic relationship where the expertise of both parties contributes to the development of a cutting-edge tool. Such collaborations can enhance the technological capabilities of Employment Services organisations, positioning them as leaders in the field.

In summary, the introduction of an AI-powered Employability App focused on improving job interview performance can be a game-changer for Employment Services organisations. By offering personalized coaching, promoting inclusivity, providing cost-effective scalability, offering real-time feedback, adapting to market trends, leveraging data-driven insights, and enhancing user engagement, such an app becomes a strategic asset that aligns with the evolving needs of job seekers and the demands of the contemporary job market. As technology continues to reshape the employment landscape, the integration of AI into the realm of job interview preparation stands as a powerful and strategic move for Employment Services organisations committed to empowering individuals and fostering economic participation on a broader scale. has built the world’s first AI-powered Employability App. Contact to learn more.

Story House Early Learning Partnership

Story House Early Learning and Getmee Forge Strategic Partnership to Revolutionise Talent Acquisition and Training in The Early Learning and Early Learning Sector

(Melbourne, VIC December 8)- Story House Early Learning, a leading early learning operator, announces a new partnership with Getmee to introduce AI technology to help solve Industry hiring challenges and English language capability across its early learning workforce.

Story House Early Learning Talent Acquisition Manager, Kelly Murphy partnered with Getmee to improve candidate experience, candidate attraction and to ensure that candidates with English as a second language, could be coached pre-interview on both their communication and interview skills.

This collaboration with Getmee aligns perfectly with Story House’s Respect value and their commitment to fostering inclusivity, diversity, and a fair-go for all in the hiring process.

Getmee, an AI-powered English Communication and Interview Coaching App, utilises patented technology to help candidates prepare for their Interviews and Improve their spoken English. Personalised coaching is delivered to each candidate via their mobile device, meaning candidates can practice and be coached.

Story House has a core commitment to offering equal opportunities to applicants from all backgrounds; and this partnership with Getmee supports that initiative and the wider early childhood and care sector, empowering candidates with the skills to participate in a hiring process with confidence.

Kelly Murphy, Talent Acquisition Manager, the driving force behind this partnership, expressed her excitement about the positive impact it will have on both candidates and the early childhood education sector as a whole. “We believe in creating opportunities for everyone, and Getmee’s commitment to empowering every candidate to be the best version of themselves aligns seamlessly with our values. This collaboration is a significant step towards building a more inclusive and dynamic early education workforce,” she commented.

This partnership exemplifies Story House Early Learning’s dedication to staying at the forefront of talent acquisition technology and its commitment to providing an enriching environment for both external candidates and their Story House-ers.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Julia Stephenson- Getmee Marketing Manager, e: p: 0468 371 739

Kelly Murphy, Story House Early Learning- Talent Acquisition Manager

About Story House Early Learning:

Story House Early Learning is an early childhood provider that believes in supportive, holistic programs for children. Story House Early Learning supports children on their journey and believes that relationships with families and community are key to supporting children to be global citizens and helping them to reach their potential. With over 1,500 employees across 3 states, Story House is committed to shaping the future of early education through innovative solutions and continuously improving the standard of education across our services.

About Getmee:

Getmee is an Artificial Intelligence powered communication and employability coach for mobile devices.

A key feature of the product, Interview Ready™, uses Getmee’s communication AI to help Improve an individual’s Job Interview performance. Users can track and measure their Interview performance using the proprietary ‘Interview Ready Score™’.

The product is used by all Job-seekers, students and migrants for whom mastery of English communication and Interviewing skills is critical to career success.

The Crucial Role of Candidate Experience in Attracting and Hiring Top Talent

In the competitive landscape of the modern business world, the quest for top-tier talent has become an imperative for companies striving for success. The job application process, often perceived as arduous, plays a pivotal role in this pursuit. In this blog, we will explore why “Candidate Experience” is critical for companies aspiring to attract and hire the best talent. A positive candidate experience not only fosters a healthy employer-employee relationship but also contributes to a robust employer and consumer brand, and supports diversity and inclusion (D&I) efforts.

The foundation of a successful company lies in the calibre of its workforce. Attracting top talent requires more than just offering competitive salaries and benefits. In the digital age, job seekers have access to a plethora of information about potential employers. A company’s reputation, both as an employer and a brand, is often shaped by the experiences of its candidates.

Positive candidate experiences are crucial in attracting the best talent for several reasons. First and foremost, they serve as a reflection of the company’s values, culture, and commitment to its employees. When candidates have a smooth and engaging experience during the application process, they are more likely to view the company as an attractive and desirable place to work.

Furthermore, in an interconnected world where social media amplifies both positive and negative experiences, a single candidate’s impression can have a cascading effect on the perception of the entire talent pool. Companies that prioritize candidate experience as part of their talent acquisition strategy enhance their reputation and stand out as employers of choice.

A company’s employer brand is a powerful tool for attracting talent. It encompasses the collective perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs that job seekers hold about a particular employer. Candidate experience plays a pivotal role in shaping and reinforcing this brand.

Job applicants are not just passive recipients of an application process; they are active participants who form opinions about the company at every stage. A positive candidate experience contributes to a favourable employer brand, creating a positive narrative that resonates with both current employees and potential hires.

Conversely, a poor candidate experience can tarnish an employer brand. Negative reviews or feedback from frustrated candidates can spread quickly, dissuading potential applicants and even influencing current employees. Companies that invest in providing an exceptional candidate experience build a robust foundation for a positive employer brand, which, in turn, attracts top talent and fosters a loyal and engaged workforce.

In an era where corporate transparency and social responsibility are valued by consumers, a company’s consumer brand is intrinsically linked to its employer brand. The experiences of candidates during the application process are often indicative of a company’s internal workings and its commitment to values such as fairness, respect, and inclusivity.

A seamless and positive candidate experience aligns with a company’s consumer brand, reinforcing the message that the organization is not just committed to delivering quality products or services but also to fostering a positive work environment. This alignment creates a harmonious image that resonates with both potential employees and consumers, contributing to overall brand loyalty and positive public perception.

Diversity and inclusion have become central tenets of progressive workplaces, not just for ethical reasons but also for enhancing creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. The candidate experience is a critical touchpoint where a company can demonstrate its commitment to diversity and inclusion.

A positive candidate experience ensures that every applicant feels valued and respected throughout the hiring process, regardless of their background, gender, ethnicity, or any other characteristic. It sets the tone for an inclusive workplace culture, where individuals from diverse backgrounds are welcomed and encouraged to contribute their unique perspectives.

Moreover, a company that prioritizes diversity in its hiring processes is likely to attract a more diverse pool of candidates. This, in turn, enhances the company’s ability to tap into a broader range of talents and experiences, fostering a dynamic and innovative work environment.

A positive candidate experience does not end with a successful hire. It extends to the candidates who were not selected but who may consider future opportunities with the company. Providing constructive feedback, maintaining clear communication, and ensuring a respectful closure to the application process contribute to a lasting positive impression.

Candidates who feel valued and respected, even in rejection, are more likely to view the company favourably and may reapply for future positions. This creates a talent pipeline of candidates who are already familiar with the organization’s values and culture, simplifying future hiring processes and reducing the time and resources required to attract new talent.

In summary, the candidate experience is a critical element for companies aspiring to attract and hire the best talent. A positive candidate experience goes beyond the immediate goal of filling a position; it is an investment in the company’s future success. By prioritizing candidate experience, companies can create a virtuous cycle where their employer brand, consumer brand, and commitment to diversity and inclusion are reinforced, contributing to a thriving and dynamic workplace.

In an era where talent is a key differentiator, companies cannot afford to neglect the impact of candidate experience on their overall success. It is not merely a transactional process but a strategic imperative that influences the very fabric of an organization. As companies navigate the complexities of talent acquisition, recognizing and enhancing the candidate experience is not just a competitive advantage but a prerequisite for sustained excellence in the evolving landscape of the business world. has built an AI powered premium Candidate Experience solution, that supports organisations in attracting the best talent. Contact to learn more.

The Advantage of AI-Adopting Workers in the Modern Workplace

The AI Advantage: How Workers Embracing Artificial Intelligence Will Replace Those Who Resist in the Workplace

In an era dominated by rapid technological advancements, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the workplace has become an inevitable reality. The dichotomy between those who embrace AI and those who resist it is reshaping the professional landscape. This blog explores the transformative power of AI in the workplace and delves into the notion that humans harnessing AI capabilities will ultimately replace those who remain averse to its adoption.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace:

Artificial intelligence has evolved from a futuristic concept to a practical, everyday tool in various industries. From automating mundane tasks to enabling complex decision-making processes, AI has proven its value in enhancing efficiency and productivity. In the workplace, AI systems can analyze vast datasets, predict trends, and even perform certain cognitive tasks traditionally reserved for human workers.

The Fear of Job Displacement:

One of the primary reasons for resistance to AI adoption in the workplace is the fear of job displacement. Many workers worry that machines will take over their roles, rendering their skills obsolete. However, history has shown that technological advancements often lead to the creation of new roles and opportunities. Rather than replacing humans, AI has the potential to augment their capabilities and allow them to focus on tasks that require emotional intelligence, creativity, and critical thinking.

The Evolution of Job Roles:

As AI takes on routine and repetitive tasks, the nature of job roles is evolving. Jobs that involve creativity, strategic thinking, and emotional intelligence are becoming more crucial. Employees who embrace AI as a tool to enhance their work are better positioned to adapt to these changes. They become contributors to the development and implementation of AI strategies, ensuring a symbiotic relationship between humans and machines.

Enhanced Productivity and Efficiency:

One of the undeniable advantages of AI in the workplace is the significant boost in productivity and efficiency. AI systems can analyze large datasets in a fraction of the time it would take a human, leading to faster decision-making processes. Workers who embrace AI technologies can harness this efficiency, allowing them to focus on tasks that require a human touch, such as building relationships, fostering innovation, and addressing complex challenges.

Adaptability as a Key Skill:

In the age of AI, adaptability emerges as a key skill for workers. Those who resist the integration of AI into their workflow risk falling behind in terms of efficiency and competitiveness. The ability to learn and adapt to new technologies becomes a valuable asset in the professional toolkit. Companies are increasingly seeking employees who not only embrace AI but actively contribute to its integration and optimization within the organization.

Collaboration between Humans and AI:

The future of the workplace is not about humans versus machines but rather about collaboration between the two. AI is a tool that can amplify human capabilities, enabling workers to achieve more than ever before. Successful organizations understand the importance of fostering a culture of collaboration, where humans and AI work hand in hand to achieve common goals. This collaborative approach results in innovative solutions, increased efficiency, and a dynamic work environment.

The Role of Continuous Learning:

As AI continues to evolve, the need for continuous learning becomes more pronounced. Workers who commit to ongoing education and skill development are better equipped to navigate the changing landscape of the workplace. The integration of AI may require individuals to upskill or reskill to remain relevant in their respective fields. Companies that prioritize employee training and development contribute to a workforce that is not only adaptive but also poised for success in an AI-driven world.

Case Studies of AI Integration Success:

Several organizations have successfully integrated AI into their operations, showcasing the positive impact on both productivity and job satisfaction. For example, in customer service, AI-powered chatbots handle routine queries, allowing human agents to focus on complex and emotionally sensitive interactions. Similarly, in healthcare, AI algorithms assist medical professionals in diagnosing diseases, enabling quicker and more accurate treatment decisions. In Human Resources, AI allows for quicker assessment of high-volume job applications and can also underpin personalised learning journeys across vast and disparate cohorts of people.

In summary, the rise of AI in the workplace is not a threat but an opportunity for human augmentation. Workers who embrace AI technologies and actively contribute to their integration will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of work. The dichotomy between those who adopt AI and those who resist it is not a battle for job survival but a choice between stagnation and progress. The workplace of tomorrow is a collaborative space where humans and AI work in tandem, leveraging each other’s strengths to achieve unprecedented levels of productivity and innovation. Those who recognize and harness the power of AI will not only secure their roles but also contribute to a future where human ingenuity and technological advancements coalesce for the betterment of society.

Getmee helps organisations use AI to drive communication and employability Improvement outcomes at scale, across multiple cohorts of people; typically, all are current or soon to be job-seekers.

Contact to learn more Getmee and how it can form part of your employability, D&I and candidate experience programs.

Tech’s Key Role in Boosting Economic Participation and Employment

Economic participation and near full employment are vital elements for a society to operate at an optimal level. A thriving workforce not only ensures the financial stability of individuals but also fosters economic growth and stability at a national level. In this context, investing in technology has become increasingly important to support employability programs, which aim to bridge the gap between job seekers and employment opportunities. This essay explores the significance of investing in technology, to bolster employability programs. It highlights the role of technology in enhancing job seekers’ skills and self-confidence, facilitating access to a broader talent pool, and ultimately contributing to a more resilient and prosperous society.

The Changing Landscape of Employment

The landscape of employment is constantly evolving due to the rapid advancement of technology and globalisation. The emergence of automation and artificial intelligence is reshaping industries and demanding a higher level of skills and adaptability from the workforce. As a result, the need for continuous learning and skill development has become more pressing than ever.

Employability programs have gained prominence as a means to bridge the skills gap, helping individuals acquire the competencies needed to secure employment in the changing job market. However, the traditional methods of delivering such programs may not be sufficient in meeting the contemporary challenges of the job market. This is where technology, such as an interview coaching app, can play a transformative role.

Enhancing Skills and Self-Confidence

One of the primary advantages of using innovative technology in employability programs is its ability to enhance job seekers’ skills and self-confidence. Job interviews can be intimidating, especially for individuals who have been out of work for an extended period or those transitioning to new career paths. The interview process is often a critical hurdle in securing employment, and many individuals struggle with self-presentation, communication, and confidence during interviews.

Interview coaching apps can provide tailored training and feedback to job seekers, helping them refine their interview skills. These apps can simulate interview scenarios, offer guidance on answering common questions, and provide personalised feedback based on the individual’s performance. The immediate feedback and repetitive practice provided by such apps can significantly boost a job seeker’s confidence and preparedness for interviews.

Moreover, technology can address specific skill gaps, such as public speaking, body language, or industry-specific knowledge. This tailored approach ensures that job seekers are better equipped to present themselves effectively during interviews, thereby increasing their chances of landing the job. The self-confidence gained through using interview coaching apps can also extend beyond interviews, positively impacting overall self-esteem and communication skills.

Expanding Access to Employability Programs

Investing in technology like an interview coaching app has the potential to democratise access to employability programs. Traditionally, these programs have been offered in physical locations, limiting their accessibility to those who can attend in person. For many job seekers, especially those in underserved communities or rural areas, this can present a significant barrier to entry.

By offering employability support through technology, individuals can access training and resources from the comfort of their own homes or at convenient community centres. This approach broadens the reach of employability programs and ensures that more people, regardless of their geographic location, can benefit from these resources.

In addition, technology allows for scalability, making it possible to serve a larger number of job seekers. An interview coaching app can be used by a vast number of individuals simultaneously, reducing the constraints of limited physical resources and staff. This scalability is especially critical in times of economic downturns or crises, where a surge in job seekers necessitates rapid and widespread support.

Bridging the Digital Divide

While technology can be a powerful tool for improving employability, it’s essential to address the digital divide – the gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not. To ensure that the benefits of an interview coaching app reach a broad audience, policymakers and organisations must also invest in digital literacy and technology access initiatives, particularly for underserved populations.

To bridge the digital divide, governments and non-profit organisations can offer subsidies for internet access and provide affordable or free devices to low-income individuals. Additionally, digital literacy programs can empower people with the necessary skills to utilise technology effectively. By addressing the digital divide, the full potential of technology in enhancing employability can be realised, benefitting society as a whole.

Economic Advantages of Investing in Technology

Investing in Innovative technology, carries economic benefits at multiple levels. At the individual level, job seekers who secure employment through enhanced skills and confidence contribute to a more productive and skilled workforce. This, in turn, boosts their earning potential, reduces the burden on social safety nets, and improves their overall quality of life.

Employability programs, supplemented with technology, can also lead to a reduction in the time it takes for individuals to secure employment. This efficiency in the job search process has cascading effects on the economy. It reduces the duration of unemployment, thus minimising the economic strain on individuals and governments.

Moreover, technology-driven employability programs can help match job seekers with positions that better align with their skills and interests, fostering job satisfaction and reducing turnover rates. Reduced turnover benefits businesses by lowering recruitment and training costs, as well as maintaining a more experienced workforce.

Furthermore, by expanding access to employability programs through technology, a broader talent pool becomes available to employers. This can address skill shortages and enhance the diversity of the workforce. Diverse teams have been shown to be more innovative and better at problem-solving, making them a valuable asset to businesses and the overall economy.

In conclusion, Economic participation and near full employment are fundamental to the well-being and stability of society. As the job market continually evolves due to technological advancements and globalisation, employability programs have become a crucial component in helping individuals adapt and thrive in this dynamic landscape. However, traditional methods of delivering these programs may not be sufficient to meet the contemporary challenges.

Investing in technology, such as an interview coaching app, is a promising and transformative approach to address these challenges. Such technology enhances job seekers’ skills and self-confidence, democratises access to employability programs, and helps bridge the digital divide. Moreover, it brings economic advantages at both the individual and societal levels by reducing unemployment durations, improving job satisfaction, and enhancing the diversity and productivity of the workforce.

To learn more about Getmee’s AI-Powered Employability App, please contact

Enhancing Employability: A Pathway to Career Success

In today’s dynamic and competitive job market, employability has become a crucial concept for individuals seeking to secure and maintain fulfilling careers. Employability encompasses a range of skills, attributes, and qualities that make a person an attractive prospect for employers. It goes beyond mere qualifications and experience, touching on one’s ability to adapt, grow, and contribute effectively in a constantly evolving work environment. This essay explores the concept of employability and offers insights into how individuals can enhance their employability, thereby increasing their chances of professional success.

Understanding Employability

Employability is the intersection of an individual’s skills, knowledge, personal attributes, and experiences that collectively make them an asset to potential employers. It is a multifaceted concept that extends beyond the traditional markers of a resume. Employability is not static; it evolves in response to changes in the job market, technological advancements, and shifting employer needs.

At its core, employability is about an individual’s capacity to secure and maintain suitable employment. Employable individuals have the skills and mindset to adapt to different roles, industries, and work environments. They are not just job seekers; they are career builders who continuously invest in their personal and professional development.

Enhancing Employability

Continuous Learning: The foundation of employability is a commitment to lifelong learning. In today’s fast-paced world, skills can quickly become obsolete. Individuals should actively seek opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills. This can be achieved through formal education, online courses, workshops, seminars, and reading industry-related publications. Staying updated with industry trends and advancements is vital.

Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing circumstances and environments is a key trait of highly employable individuals. The job market is not static, and industries evolve. Those who can pivot, learn new skills, and adjust their approach are more likely to thrive. Adaptability is closely linked to resilience and a growth mindset, as individuals who view setbacks as opportunities to learn are better equipped to navigate change.

Soft Skills: Employability isn’t just about technical know-how. Soft skills, such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership, are equally important. Employers value candidates who can work effectively with others, manage conflicts, and communicate clearly. These skills are transferable across different job roles and industries.

Networking: Building a strong professional network is invaluable for enhancing employability. Networking provides access to job opportunities, industry insights, and mentorship. It is not only about who you know but also about who knows you. Actively participating in industry events, conferences, and online communities can expand your network and keep you informed about industry trends.

Work Experience: Practical experience is highly valued by employers. Internships, volunteer work, and part-time jobs provide valuable real-world experience that can set you apart from other candidates. Building a track record of successful projects and achievements can demonstrate your competence and dedication to prospective employers.

Digital Literacy: In today’s technology-driven world, digital literacy is non-negotiable. Familiarity with essential software, the ability to navigate the internet effectively, and understanding emerging technologies are essential skills. For some fields, like IT, data analysis, and marketing, proficiency in specific software or programming languages is critical.

Problem Solving: The ability to identify and solve complex problems is highly regarded by employers. Demonstrating your problem-solving skills through examples in interviews or on your resume can make you a more attractive candidate. Problem-solving skills go hand in hand with critical thinking, so cultivating this mindset is crucial.

Professionalism: Employable individuals exhibit professionalism in their demeanor, communication, and work ethic. Punctuality, reliability, and a strong work ethic are all components of professionalism. Employers want to know that you can be counted on to deliver quality work consistently.

Self-awareness: Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement is a critical aspect of employability. Self-awareness enables you to target your professional development efforts effectively. Seeking feedback from peers, mentors, and supervisors can aid in this self-assessment.

Emotional Intelligence: The ability to understand and manage your own emotions and those of others is a valuable skill in the workplace. It contributes to effective communication, teamwork, and leadership. Developing emotional intelligence can lead to better interpersonal relationships and increased job satisfaction.

Global Awareness: In an increasingly globalized world, having an awareness of international trends and an understanding of different cultures and markets can set you apart. Businesses are expanding their operations internationally, and individuals who can navigate the complexities of a global economy are in high demand.

Personal Branding and Employability

Another crucial element of employability is personal branding. Your personal brand is how you present yourself to the world, and it encompasses your skills, experiences, and values. Building a strong personal brand can enhance your employability in the following ways:

Differentiation: A strong personal brand sets you apart from others in your field. It highlights what makes you unique and the value you bring to potential employers. When employers see you as distinct and memorable, you become a more attractive candidate.

Credibility: A well-established personal brand builds trust and credibility. If you consistently deliver on your promises and demonstrate your expertise, others are more likely to trust and respect your abilities.

Network Expansion: A strong personal brand can attract like-minded professionals, potential mentors, and job opportunities. When your brand aligns with your career goals, it’s easier to connect with individuals who share your interests and values.

Career Growth: Personal branding can lead to career advancement. As your reputation grows, you’re more likely to be considered for leadership roles and high-impact projects.

Online Presence: In today’s digital age, your online presence is a significant part of your personal brand. Maintain a professional online presence by curating your social media profiles, sharing valuable content, and engaging in industry discussions. Employers often research candidates online, so ensure that your online presence aligns with your personal brand.

In summary, enhancing employability is a continuous and dynamic process. It is not limited to a specific set of skills or qualifications but rather encompasses a holistic approach to personal and professional development. The modern job market demands adaptability, a commitment to lifelong learning, soft skills, and a strong personal brand. Those who actively work on these aspects of employability are better equipped to navigate the challenges of the ever-evolving world of work.

Interview Ready™, a product, helps people become more ‘employable’ by coaching them on their Interview skills – the missing part of the ‘employability puzzle’. Contact to learn more about how Interview Ready™ helps Improve employability at scale.

Shaping Tomorrow’s Workforce: MTC Australia and Getmee’s AI- Driven Partnership Redefines Employability

MARRICKVILLE, 12 October 2023: Leading not-for-profit employment services provider MTC Australia is excited to announce MTC CoachMe, a new AI-driven app to support and coach our participants through their education and job search.

Launched in partnership with leading AI-powered technology company Getmee, MTC CoachMe is designed to empower students and job seekers with the skills and confidence needed to succeed in interviews and the job placement processes.

MTC CoachMe is built on Getmee’s flagship product Getmee Interview ReadyTM and leverages advanced AI technology to identify specific areas where people require improvement in their communication and interview abilities. The app then offers tailored and personalised guidance to bridge those gaps.

“MTC CoachMe powered by Getmee is the perfect tool to incorporate into our employment and training programs to help equip our students and jobseekers for the challenges they face now and into the future as the workplace evolves,” MTC Australia CEO Rob Marshall said.

“The app will be especially valuable to the large proportion of our students and job seekers who come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. We see MTC CoachMe creating a significant shift in how job seekers, migrants, and individuals with disabilities are empowered to overcome their barriers and support to thrive in society,” Mr Marshall said.

“The MTC Australia and Getmee partnership is a landmark moment in the realm of employment services, migration support, and education,” Getmee CEO/Founder Balendran Thavarajah said. 

Through this new partnership, MTC Australia and Getmee will provide a comprehensive spectrum of support and guidance, enabling individuals to excel in their work, personal lives, and studies. From English language learning to leadership development, this partnership aims to equip individuals with the skills and confidence necessary to overcome any barriers they face on their path to meaningful work.


Media contacts:

MTC Australia

Elizabeth Gosch

+61 414319775


Julia Stephenson

+61 468371739


MTC Australia

MTC Australia is an independent social enterprise that enables people to overcome barriers on their path to meaningful employment. With a proud 34-year history, each year we support over 20,000 people across Greater Sydney and Queensland with new skills, confidence, and opportunities through employment, mentoring, and training programs. We reinvest in social impact projects aligned with our purpose.


Getmee is an innovative AI-powered technology company in education and employability advancement. With a strong focus on data-driven solutions, Getmee’s patented deep learning AI technology enhances communication skills via a personalised coaching app. Tailored to assist job seekers, students, and migrants in their quest for career success, Getmee leverages a comprehensive suite of advanced AI-driven tools for effective learning and job readiness.

The Evolution of Interview Preparation

Securing employment today is a challenging task. Job seekers face rigorous selection processes, with interviews being a pivotal part of the hiring process. Preparing for interviews effectively is essential to make a lasting impression and secure that dream job. Traditionally, job seekers have relied on generic interview guides and advice for their interview preparation. However, in recent years, the emergence of mobile-enabled personalized AI-powered interview coaching has revolutionized the way individuals prepare for interviews. In this essay, we will explore why “mobile-enabled personalized AI-powered interview coaching” is more beneficial than “generic interview guides and advice.”

Interview preparation has come a long way from its traditional roots of reading books and practising with a friend. In the digital age, technology has transformed various aspects of our lives, including how we prepare for job interviews. While generic interview guides and advice have been available for years, they often lack the specificity and personalization needed to excel in today’s competitive job market. On the other hand, mobile-enabled personalized AI-powered interview coaching leverages advanced technology to offer a tailored and effective approach to interview preparation.

Personalization and Customization

One of the primary advantages of mobile-enabled AI-powered interview coaching is its ability to provide a personalized and customized experience for each user. Traditional interview guides offer generic tips that may not resonate with an individual’s unique strengths, weaknesses, and interview style. In contrast, AI-powered coaching platforms use machine learning algorithms to analyze a user’s background, skills, and preferences, tailoring the coaching experience accordingly.

These platforms can generate personalized interview questions based on the user’s industry, job role, and company of interest. This level of customization allows users to practise for interviews that closely resemble their actual job interviews, increasing their confidence and preparedness.

Realistic Interview Simulations

Generic interview guides and advice can only go so far in preparing job seekers for the realities of interviews. Mobile-enabled AI-powered coaching takes preparation to the next level by offering realistic interview simulations. These simulations closely mimic real interview scenarios, enabling users to experience the pressure and dynamics of an actual interview.

AI algorithms analyze users’ responses, body language, and speech patterns during these simulations, providing constructive feedback and areas for improvement. This hands-on approach helps users gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, allowing for targeted improvement.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Interview preparation is an ongoing process, and generic interview guides may not offer the continuous learning and improvement that job seekers need. Mobile-enabled AI-powered coaching, however, provides a dynamic learning environment. These platforms track users’ progress over time and adapt their coaching to address areas that need improvement.

By analyzing performance data, AI-powered coaching can identify patterns and trends in a user’s interview performance. This data-driven approach enables users to focus on their weaknesses, thereby increasing their chances of success in future interviews. In essence, it fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement, which is crucial in the competitive job market.

Immediate Feedback and Guidance

Timely feedback is crucial in interview preparation. Generic interview guides and advice cannot provide real-time feedback, leaving users to wonder whether they are practicing effectively. Mobile-enabled personalized AI-powered interview coaching platforms, on the other hand, offer immediate feedback and guidance.

During interview simulations, AI algorithms evaluate users’ responses and provide feedback on their content, delivery, and body language. This instant feedback helps users make necessary adjustments and corrections, leading to more effective interview practice sessions. It also builds users’ confidence by letting them know where they excel and where they need improvement.

Accessibility and Convenience

The rise of mobile technology has made interview preparation more accessible and convenient than ever before. Generic interview guides often come in the form of books or online articles, which require users to sit down and read through lengthy text. In contrast, mobile-enabled AI-powered coaching platforms are accessible on smartphones and tablets, allowing users to practise and learn at their convenience, whether they’re at home, commuting, or waiting for an appointment.

Furthermore, these platforms are available 24/7, providing flexibility for users with busy schedules. This accessibility and convenience make interview preparation more efficient and adaptable to the demands of modern life.

Data-Driven Insights

AI-powered interview coaching platforms gather and analyze vast amounts of data from multiple users. This data can be leveraged to provide valuable insights and trends related to interview success. For instance, the platform can identify common mistakes made by users in a specific industry or job role, allowing for targeted coaching and improvement.

Moreover, these insights can also benefit employers by providing them with data on the skills and attributes that are most sought after in candidates. This data-driven approach aligns interview coaching with the evolving demands of the job market and empowers job seekers to stand out from the competition.


Traditional interview preparation methods often involve purchasing books, attending workshops, or hiring professional coaches, all of which can be expensive. Mobile-enabled personalized AI-powered interview coaching, however, offers a cost-effective alternative. Many of these platforms provide free or affordable access to a wide range of interview preparation resources, making it accessible to job seekers on various budgets.

In summary, In a rapidly evolving job market, interview preparation has become more critical than ever. While generic interview guides and advice have been a staple for years, they often fall short in providing the personalization, customization, and effectiveness that job seekers need to succeed in interviews. Mobile-enabled AI-powered interview coaching represents the future of interview preparation, offering tailored experiences, realistic simulations, continuous learning, immediate feedback, accessibility, data-driven insights, and cost-effectiveness.

As technology continues to advance, job seekers should embrace these innovative platforms to gain a competitive edge in their job search. The ability to practise and improve interview skills at any time, receive personalized feedback, and access data-driven insights can make the difference between securing that dream job and missing out on an opportunity. In the end, mobile-enabled AI-powered interview coaching is more beneficial than generic interview guides and advice, as it equips job seekers with the tools and knowledge they need to excel in the modern job market.

GetMee’s ‘Interview Ready™’ tool uses advanced AI technology to deliver an unrivaled Interview Coaching experience to users. Contact to learn more.

Enhancing Consumer and Employer Brand through Interview Ready™

In today’s competitive business landscape, the success of large enterprises relies not only on their products and services but also on their ability to attract and retain top talent. This dual challenge has given rise to the concept of employer branding, which emphasizes the importance of creating a positive and compelling image as an employer. Additionally, in an era where candidates can also be customers, the lines between consumer and employer brands have blurred.

Large enterprises are increasingly recognizing the need to provide value-added services to job applicants, not only to enhance their hiring process but also to strengthen their overall brand perception. One such innovative tool is “Interview Ready™,” an interview coaching app that large enterprises offer to their job applicants free of charge. This blog explores how Interview Ready™ can support both consumer and employer brand for large enterprise organizations.


The Importance of Employer Branding

Employer branding refers to the organization’s reputation as an employer, encompassing its values, culture, work environment, and the overall experience it provides to its employees. It goes beyond merely recruiting talent; it is about creating an emotional connection and resonance with potential, current, and former employees. A strong employer brand attracts top talent, reduces recruitment costs, and enhances employee engagement and retention.


The Relationship Between Consumer and Employer Brand:

In today’s interconnected world, the boundary between consumer and employer brand is increasingly porous. Job applicants are often customers or potential customers of the same large enterprises. Their perception of a company as an employer can directly impact their willingness to engage with the brand as consumers. Conversely, customers who have a positive experience with a brand are more likely to consider it as an attractive employer.


The Role of Interview Ready™

Interview Ready™ is an innovative tool designed to help job applicants prepare for interviews effectively. Large enterprises offer this app to their candidates at no charge, demonstrating their commitment to candidate success. This value-added service equips applicants with the skills, confidence, and knowledge needed to excel in interviews. By providing Interview Ready™, enterprises are investing not only in their hiring process but also in their broader brand image.


The Impact on Job Applicant Experience:

One of the primary ways Interview Ready™ supports both consumer and employer brand is by enhancing the job applicant experience. Job seekers often face stress and uncertainty during the interview process. By offering a tool that helps them prepare and perform well in interviews, enterprises demonstrate their commitment to candidate success, making the application process less daunting and more inviting.

Positive experiences during the hiring process translate into positive perceptions of the organization as an employer and as a brand. When applicants feel supported and valued, they are more likely to engage with the company positively in the future, both as employees and consumers.


Strengthening the Employer Brand

Enhancing the Employer Value Proposition (EVP):

A crucial aspect of employer branding is the Employer Value Proposition (EVP), which represents what an organization offers to its employees in exchange for their skills, experience, and commitment. Interview Ready™ enhances the EVP by showcasing the organization’s commitment to talent development and support. When enterprises invest in tools like Interview Ready™, they signal that they are not just seeking employees but are willing to help individuals grow and succeed within the organization.


Attracting Top Talent:

In today’s competitive talent market, attracting top talent is a critical challenge for large enterprises. By providing Interview Ready™, these organizations stand out as employers of choice. Job seekers are more likely to be attracted to companies that invest in their personal and professional development. Thus, Interview Ready™ becomes a valuable recruitment tool that helps large enterprises secure the best talent.


Employee Advocacy:

Current employees who had a positive job applicant experience, thanks to Interview Ready™, are likely to become advocates for the organization. They may recommend the company to friends, family, and peers, thereby expanding the talent pool and positively influencing consumer perception of the brand. In this way, Interview Ready™ not only strengthens the employer brand but also indirectly influences consumer brand perception through employee advocacy.


Impact on Consumer Brand

Positive Associations:

When organizations offer Interview Ready™ to job applicants, it creates positive associations with their consumer brand. People tend to view companies that invest in their employees as socially responsible and caring entities. Such positive associations can directly influence consumer purchasing decisions, as individuals are more inclined to support brands that align with their values and principles.


Loyalty and Customer Retention:

The crossover between job applicants and customers is particularly relevant in industries where consumer trust and loyalty are paramount. When candidates have a positive experience with an organization, they are more likely to become loyal customers. Conversely, organizations that provide a seamless and positive experience during the application process increase their chances of retaining customers, as their brand image is bolstered by a reputation for treating people well.


Building a Sustainable Brand Ecosystem:

In today’s interconnected world, building a sustainable brand ecosystem is essential for large enterprises. Interview Ready™ contributes to this ecosystem by strengthening the connections between employer and consumer brands. It aligns the two facets of brand identity, creating a harmonious and consistent image in the minds of stakeholders, whether they are employees, customers, or both.


Demonstrating Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

Corporate social responsibility is a key element of modern business strategy. It encompasses an organization’s commitment to making a positive impact on society beyond its core business activities. Offering Interview Ready™ as a free tool to job applicants is a clear demonstration of CSR. It showcases a commitment to societal welfare by helping individuals enhance their employability and career prospects.


Positive Media and Public Relations:

Acts of corporate responsibility often receive positive media coverage and public recognition. When large enterprises provide Interview Ready™, it becomes a noteworthy initiative that generates favourable media attention. This, in turn, enhances the overall brand image, both as an employer and as a socially responsible corporation.

In today’s dynamic business environment, large enterprises must strategically manage their consumer and employer brands. The introduction of Interview Ready™ as a free tool for job applicants presents a unique opportunity to strengthen both aspects of brand identity. By offering support and guidance to candidates, organizations not only enhance their reputation as employers but also create positive associations with their consumer brand. This innovative approach not only attracts top talent and fosters employee advocacy but also drives customer loyalty and trust.

In conclusion, Interview Ready™ exemplifies how forward-thinking large enterprises can align their hiring strategies with their broader brand objectives. By investing in the success of job applicants, these organizations are building a sustainable brand ecosystem that benefits their employees, customers, and the broader society. In doing so, they are not only securing their place in the competitive business landscape but also contributing positively to the world in which they operate.


To discuss how Interview Ready™ can form part of our applicant offering, please contact

The Art of Interviewing: The Missing Piece in the Puzzle of Employability

In today’s competitive job market, where skills and qualifications are crucial, there exists a often-overlooked but equally important component of employability: the art of interviewing.

Mastering the art of interviewing is the missing piece in the puzzle of employability that can significantly influence one’s career trajectory. While skills training and qualifications are undeniably important, the ability to navigate interviews effectively can make the difference between landing your dream job and falling short. In this essay, we will delve into the significance of mastering the art of interviewing and explore why it is a critical skill for achieving professional success.

The Importance of Skills and Qualifications

Before delving into the art of interviewing, it is essential to acknowledge the significance of skills and qualifications in the employment landscape. In a rapidly evolving job market, possessing the right skills and qualifications is the foundation of employability. Employers seek individuals who can contribute meaningfully to their organizations and adapt to changing demands.

Skills training equips individuals with the technical expertise, knowledge, and competencies needed to excel in their chosen fields. Qualifications, such as degrees, certifications, and licenses, provide tangible evidence of one’s capabilities and commitment to professional growth. Therefore, investing in skills development and acquiring relevant qualifications is a vital step toward becoming employable.

However, it is important to recognize that skills and qualifications alone may not guarantee success in securing a job. The job-seeking process often involves an intermediate step: the interview. This is where the art of interviewing comes into play.

The Art of Interviewing Defined

The art of interviewing encompasses a range of skills and strategies designed to effectively convey one’s qualifications, experiences, and personality to a potential employer during an interview. It involves not only verbal communication but also non-verbal cues, interpersonal skills, and the ability to navigate the dynamics of the interview process.

Effective Communication:

At its core, the art of interviewing revolves around effective communication. This includes articulating thoughts clearly, answering questions concisely, and demonstrating active listening skills. Good communication ensures that the interviewer understands your qualifications and sees how they align with the job requirements.

Confidence and Poise:

Confidence is a key element of successful interviewing. It involves projecting self-assuredness, maintaining eye contact, and controlling nervousness. Confidence helps create a positive impression on the interviewer and conveys that you believe in your abilities.

Body Language:

Non-verbal communication through body language plays a significant role in interviews. Maintaining an open posture, using appropriate gestures, and smiling can convey enthusiasm and professionalism. Conversely, slouching or fidgeting may signal discomfort or disinterest.

Emotional Intelligence:

The ability to understand and manage one’s emotions and effectively interpret the emotions of others is crucial in interviews. It allows you to build rapport with the interviewer and adapt your responses based on their reactions.


Effective interviewing involves thorough preparation. This includes researching the company, understanding the role, and anticipating potential questions. Prepared candidates can confidently address the specific needs of the employer.


Employers often pose challenging questions to assess a candidate’s problem-solving skills. The art of interviewing includes the ability to analyze problems, think critically, and present thoughtful solutions.


Effective interviewees often use storytelling to illustrate their experiences and skills. Sharing relevant anecdotes can make you more relatable and memorable to the interviewer.


Adaptability is the ability to pivot and adjust during an interview. This includes responding to unexpected questions, addressing concerns, and maintaining a positive attitude even in challenging situations.

Why the Art of Interviewing Matters

First Impressions Count:

The initial impression you make during an interview can significantly impact the hiring decision. Employers often decide whether you are a good fit for their organization within the first few minutes of an interview. Mastering the art of interviewing allows you to create a positive and lasting first impression.

Competitive Advantage:

In a competitive job market, where multiple candidates may have similar skills and qualifications, the art of interviewing can give you a competitive edge. It enables you to stand out and demonstrate that you are not just qualified but also an excellent fit for the company culture.

Alignment with Organizational Values:

Employers seek candidates who align with their company values and culture. The art of interviewing allows you to convey your alignment with these values, making it more likely that you will thrive in the organization.

Building Confidence:

Successfully mastering the art of interviewing can boost your confidence, not only during interviews but also in various professional interactions. This newfound confidence can positively impact your career progression.

Negotiation and Offer Acceptance:

Effective interviewing skills extend beyond the initial interview. They can also be invaluable when negotiating job offers, as they help you communicate your worth and secure favorable terms.

Career Advancement:

As you progress in your career, the art of interviewing remains relevant. Whether you are seeking promotions, lateral moves, or new opportunities, the ability to effectively convey your value and potential is essential.

In summary, while skills training and qualifications are undeniably essential in the journey toward employability, they represent only one part of the equation. The missing piece of the puzzle is the art of interviewing. Mastering this skill allows individuals to bridge the gap between their qualifications and their ability to communicate their value effectively to potential employers.

Effective interviewing encompasses various components, including communication, confidence, body language, emotional intelligence, preparation, problem-solving, storytelling, and adaptability. These elements collectively contribute to a successful interview experience, helping candidates create positive first impressions, stand out in competitive markets, and align with organizational values.

As the job market continues to evolve, the art of interviewing remains a valuable and enduring skill. It empowers individuals to not only secure initial job opportunities but also negotiate offers, advance their careers, and adapt to changing professional landscapes. Therefore, those aspiring to achieve professional success should recognize the importance of mastering the art of interviewing as an essential component of their employability toolkit.

Getmee’s newest product, Interview Ready™, is the world’s smartest, most advanced and comprehensive AI-Interview coach. Contact to learn more.